Lightworker traits

Posts tagged “Andromeda Starseed

Andromeda Starseed Characteristics

Those who are andromeda starseed like to be free, they always seek freedom. They have a deep inner thirst and drive leading them to search for this feeling of being free. They usually change jobs and relationships to find it. At some point they may begin to realize the freedom they are seeking and the feeling they are having of being trapped are not due to their actual situations. The freedom they are seeking can only come from within. Andromeda starseed must allow self love and develop their inner spiritual self. Once the andromeda starseed has matured they will realize to work with this knowledge and begin to create a reality to allow these needs to be honored, whilst allowing them selves to grow in other aspects.

Andromeda starseed must allow them selves to work in other areas, such as self confidence and love. This is an area which maybe obvious for development or it may remain hidden from them. Andromeda starseed will need trust and faith in self to allow them to work on self love and confidence, when these areas are developed, the inner freedom they seek andromeda starseed and spiritual connectedness will be found within where it always has been the whole time. As these areas are developed, the connection between self and God/Source becomes strong. This in given time will allow for past life memories to flow,andromeda starseed and many old hidden talents begin to awaken again. Many #Andromedans may discover that they have much to offer others on Earth on a spiritual level, they can become teachers and healers in this world.